Kissinger’s Cuban Defeat

Here is a term that’s about to make a comeback: REALPOLITIK, Dr. Henry Kissinger’s low-road philosophy of accepting the world as it is.  No idealistic change required.  It’s the perfect justification for Barak Obama’s leftist, ego-fueled repudiation of fifty-five years of American foreign policy. The nurse took Fidel off oxygen so he and Raul could puff a cigar and swill rum in Barak and Henry’s honor; and their final victory over America.  Viva El Commandante!

Barak is probably celebrating, but in honor of weakening a nation that he has, euphemistically, risen above. The President has no loyalty to this country. Like good little socialists around the world, he pants for praise from that transnational ether deemed liberal idealism. And his stock in this cabal just increased, dramatically. These plotters of America’s destruction are to whom Barak’s so-called legacy is pledged. Releasing Cuba from its cage is Barak’s entry fee.

The best part for Obama is that he will hoist the conservatives on their own petard. How? This way: as the debate over his move to recognize Cuba heats up, the President and his sycophants will point to Nixon’s recognition of China, the love child of REALPOLITIK. They will hail their Chief’s bold move, just as Nixon was hailed by all, except true conservatives, for bringing China into the family of nations.

And we owe it all to Dr.Kissinger. Citing his chic, nouveau religion of REALPOLITIK, a German synonym meaning capitulation and appeasement, he manipulated Nixon to recognize China. He persuaded a dark, brooding President with no self-esteem that recognizing China would ensure his legacy. And it would make Nixon the darling of this nation’s elite, something to which Nixon (and, secretly, Kissinger) desperately aspired. It would also cancel-out Vietnam and Nixon’s failed, socialist economic policies (anyone remember the wage-price freeze? Even Russia didn’t try that one). Like a hungry dog to a bone, Nixon ran panting to Mao’s knee.

And Henry Kissinger’s REALPOLITIK destroyed twenty-six years of this country’s adherence to Truman’s containment policy towards communism – a policy maintained by four preceding presidents, Democrat and Republican.

Henry touted recognition of China as delivering the U.S. wonderful goodies: Bringing democratic ideals to the world’s largest population; Cracking open the communist monolith of Russia and China; Gaining China’s help with a face-saving Vietnam solution; And the real prize, opening up vast new markets for our goods and services.

These points were all lies. So let’s dispose of them:

Point one: It’s been forty-two years since Nixon’s China visit. Any advancements in the following? Freedom of the press, Freedom of the media, Freedom of speech, Freedom of movement, Freedom to vote for a non-communist candidate, Freedom of emigration, Free-enterprise? Don’t think so. Tiananmen Square and, most recently, Hong Kong pretty well kill the myth of a growing democracy. Maybe we just need another fifty-eight years. That’ll make it an even hundred.

Point two: There never was a monolith of communism. Russia and China have been wary of each other for a hundreds of years, from emperors and tsars to central committees. Their shared border has been the sight of many battles. And their brief friendship of fifteen years relied solely upon China’s need for Russian technology. That all exploded, literally, in 1964 when China set off its own nuclear bomb. Russia shuddered and their friendship has never been the same.

Point three: China didn’t help with a Vietnam solution because China couldn’t help. Russia was Vietnam’s arms dealer, not China. Vietnam hates China, and for good reason.  China invaded Vietnam and ruled it for over a thousand years. And if China had put any pressure on Vietnam, it would have found itself in open conflict with a Russian client state. But it is naïve to think that any communist country would help a capitalist country that. was stuck to a tar baby,  And good ol’ Henry knew that.

Point four: This is the one that receives the greatest hype: economic benefit to the U.S. Unless you’ve done a Rip Van Winkle for the last forty years, you know everything is now made in China. America, and most of the Western world has transferred its manufacturing base to China. While we import everything, we export almost nothing to China. Here are our major exports: Defense technology – what a splendid idea, equipping our enemy with advanced weaponry; Boeing airplanes – well, actually parts of planes because China is assembling them there. And China will eventually copy the designs and build their own. There goes another industry; Jobs – over three million, so far, and growing; Capital – American capital from American corporations, pension plans and mutual funds to finance more Chinese manufacturing and more infrastructure; U.S. Treasury bonds – well, if we buy all their products while losing our tax base at home, we have to artificially keep alive the American dream. And that somehow is deficit spending. And with China buying up our paper to keep their biggest export market alive, we keep printing more paper. If you don’t think China will eventually pull the plug on this little scam, keep dreaming.

We have given away our greatest tactical, psychological, and material advantage over communism. It’s called the American way of life, financed by hard work, ruled by common sense and fueled by freedom. Our goal was to show the world that respect for individual liberty leads to a better life for everyone. The more free nations, the safer the world. Democracies do not attack democracies. With the fall of the USSR, the forty-year plan worked! Containment brought down an evil empire.

Yet we betrayed our goals in 1972 when we released China from its cage… and then financed its state-run economy. Today there is no need for China to reform its ways. There are no consequences to China suppressing individual rights. It forestalled an eventual internal revolution by providing its citizens a better economic life… through American capital. And we didn’t demand any change as interest on that capital.

We financed this Chinese competitor with generations of our capital, our future. We have put the fire back into the dragon’s mouth, providing it with justification for continued suppression of individual rights. Now it tells its people: See, you have a better life. So do not complain. Do not cause problems. Or we put you in a re-education camp.

China would still be a miserable, third-world autocracy, teetering on the verge of revolution if we had not propped up the communist regime… with our capital. China today enjoys the respect and legitimacy around the world that America once had. To many authoritarian regimes watching China, a state-run economy now appears a successful alternative to providing citizens those pesky individual freedoms required by capitalism.

So, once again, thanks, Henry Kissinger, for your REALPOLITK efforts in legitimizing capitulation. It is precisely the cover Obama will use to justify the U.S. uncaging of a communist Cuba; a narco-trafficing, revolution-exporting, tin-horn dictatorship that would have collapsed within ten years. And even if Cuba managed to continue duping its people into accepting a 1930’s economy, who cares? Let the cancer rot itself away. Harry Truman’s containment was working great.

Instead, we will probably open our wallets, once again, and finance the growth of a country that hates us and tells its people the evils of capitalism… while their government spends our money.  And Henry, you made it all possible with REALPOLITIK.  Maybe you can split your next Nobel prize with Barak.

Copyright 2014 Evstar Publishing L.L.C.


Compromise? No Way!

His jaunty approach to the podium before a gaggle of White House correspondents gave the allure of a confident President Obama.  But this was open to interpretation.  For some he appeared beyond confident, bordering arrogant.  Others saw the aloofness in tone as cover up for a seething inside.  After all, the Dems, were trounced in midterm elections.  And his party blamed him.

So unfair.  You know this is what Obama was thinking.  Hence the seething.  While on the outside he is smiling and inviting Mitch to a drinking contest.   (If it’s bourbon, my money’s on Mitch).

To avoid disappointment, the electorate should know in advance there will be less than nothing accomplished legislatively the next two years.  Here is why.  First, Obama said there could be progress on those areas of ‘mutual agreement.’  What a silly phrase.  There are no areas of mutual agreement between Dems and the GOP.  Never will be.  Politics is not about discovering those areas of agreement.  It’s about horse-trading.  I’ll vote for your bridge in Arkansas if you support my study of the mating habits of prickly cactus in California.  Second, Republicans have no desire to give anything to Obama he can sign.  Ultimately, Presidents are associated with successful legislation, not Congress.  Clinton is still given credit for welfare reform and balancing the budget even though Newt Gingrich stuffed it up Clinton’s area where a cigar won’t light.  Republicans are not going to repeat that folly again.  There will be no ‘wins’ that Dems can take credit for in 2016.

Some say that illegal-immigration reform will be the exception.  The logic is that Republicans want this gone as a debating point before the next presidential season.  True, but not at any cost.  Anything less than ‘go home, stand in line and we might give you preference for a green card’ is not going to play back home for many Republican Senators.  Therefore, Republican legislation will be tough and possibly contain a degree of punitive measures.  Naturally, Obama will not sign it.  Then the red cape is waved in front of the bull.  Obama pulls out his pen and, with a flourish, two to three million Latinos have green cards (which is the same as amnesty no matter how it’s labeled).

Both sides will have a game of chicken going on this one.  In 2016, how many joyous Latinos will actually show up to vote for the Dems versus the increase in enraged Whites voting for Republicans?  How motivated will Latinos be with only two out of twelve million of their brethren legitimized?  Remember, Obama could have pulled that pen out six years ago.  His promise delayed for six years combined with a paltry number of green cards does not equal enthusiastic Latino voters.

And there’s already a bubbling caldron of discontent brewing between two steadfast Dem voting blocks: the Black community and Latinos.  The latter are rapidly displacing Blacks as the largest minority.  Blacks already blame illegals for competing at jobs Blacks feel are rightly theirs.  Now legalized Latinos will share in the special privileges Blacks sought and fought for over decades.  Whether a college or corporation accepts minorities as part of a commitment to ‘diversification,’ a Latino fills the slot just as well as a Black.

This could be a unique area that Republicans could make inroads upon Dems.  The Black community already feels taken granted by the Democratic machine.  How is Democratic pandering to Latinos going to sit with Blacks?

There may not be much in the way of legislation to get excited about for the next two years.  But there are a lot of pots being stirred.  It’s going to be interesting.